I'm just a guy - by Jalen Coleman

I’m just a guy, I’m not a God

I don’t have wings, I stand on these two feet

These two feet don’t sing songs of bliss

They echo the road of failure and defeat

I don’t have a halo, I have my black skin

This black skin doesn’t have a glow

This black skin shines from the teardrops of my fallen kin

I don’t have a kingdom, I am the gate

This gate does not lead to salvation

This gate leads to the doorway, to hope, the enemy of my fate

I am not righteous, I am a sin

My sins don’t mean that I am good nor bad

But my sins show that I refuse to break or bend

If I was a God, I don’t know which heaven would have me

But if you let me, I would run with these feet, this skin, and open the gate for those to reach the end


An excerpt from The Lifting - by Ominira Mars


Silenced No More - by Tiffany Tynes Curry