As the 2020 election approaches, the United States finds itself at a moment of decision that is also playing out in many parts of the world … Will the long arc towards freedom continue? Or will the continued expansion of democracy, of human and civil rights, diminish? Wherever you are from, wherever you live, StoryCenter invites you to share your small reflection (500 words max) about how you are holding these turbulent times, what actions you are taking or witnessing, and how you are contributing to justice and reason, hope and inclusion.

We are currently collecting submissions and will publish them as they come in. Please take a moment to submit your story. Note: kindly forgo the sharing of opinion for opinion's sake, or direct calls to advocacy for specific campaigns, candidates, or causes. We want to hear about and document what are you living as an individual, what have you lived in your life as an activist or advocate, and how these experiences inform your values and perspectives.