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Storytelling During the Pandemic

Between early 2020 and the summer of 2022, we partnered with individuals and groups around the world to support online community-building and the sharing of pandemic experiences. In 2020-21, we held a series of weekly, and then monthly, online storytelling sessions which resulted in a powerful collection of first-person writings. A number of these stories were developed as short pandemic videos, using images provided by students at the California College of the Arts.

We also collaborated with the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in India, on Imagine Another World, a virtual storytelling initiative which resulted in a unique collection of written stories and a series of powerful videos highlighting pandemic moments and challenges.

Finally, in an effort to bring forward marginalized voices, we developed special online pandemic storytelling and writing workshops for BIPOC communities (view a selection of this writing here), which we’ll be adapting to a post-pandemic context in the fall of 2023.

Subscribe to our mailing list to learn more, and contact us or complete the form below, if you’re interested in collaborating on this effort.

Special Session Inquiry Form