Stories of Home: Building Solidarity Among
Women Immigrants, Refugees, and Artists
Call for Storyteller Participation
sol·i·dar·i·ty: unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest;
mutual support within a group.
StoryCenter, a community-arts organization located in the San Francisco Bay Area, has for 20+ years been working with grassroots groups on participatory storytelling and media arts projects throughout the United States and across the world.
Our organization rejects the Trump administration’s punitive position on immigration, and we recognize the need for storytelling efforts that can make newcomer experiences visible, connect people through strength rather than fear, and promote learning and action for change.
Because the voices of women immigrants and refugees are often marginalized, StoryCenter is supporting immigrant, refugee, and asylee women in speaking out for their rights, through story; connecting with each other; and building bridges of solidarity to the broader community of concerned citizens from all walks of life in the Bay Area. The project will hold a two-day digital storytelling workshop in November 2018 (specific dates to be determined), at StoryCenter in Berkeley. Storytellers will be paired with local women artists, who will prepare original artwork to use in illustrating the stories as short videos. This workshop is open to all who identify as women, including LGBTQ women.
If you or someone you know would like to get involved as a storyteller with this project, please submit expressions of interest through this online form.
Questions? Please contact: Amy Hill, StoryCenter,; or Whitney Aguiñiga, Artist,
View a sample story from our pilot “Stories of Home” workshop, held in the fall of 2017: