Identity, Resaved - by Marie Lovejoy A story about airstream trailers, tow trucks, a daughter and a father, and a voicemail. Previous Shift - by Eliza Chandler You Might Also Like An Agricultural Place - by David Vigil, East New York Farms! Sankofa - by Jemila Sequeira, Whole Community Project Content of Character - by Bess Turner Taffy - by Shedrick Wicks Tadesse-Kippie Kanshi, Gedo region, southern Ethiopia
Identity, Resaved - by Marie Lovejoy A story about airstream trailers, tow trucks, a daughter and a father, and a voicemail. Previous Shift - by Eliza Chandler You Might Also Like An Agricultural Place - by David Vigil, East New York Farms! Sankofa - by Jemila Sequeira, Whole Community Project Content of Character - by Bess Turner Taffy - by Shedrick Wicks Tadesse-Kippie Kanshi, Gedo region, southern Ethiopia