The Importance of Production: Beyond Community Practice and Process
I think a lot about digital storytelling. That’s a given, since I work for the Center for Digital Storytelling (StoryCenter) and facilitate digital storytelling workshops. I probably ponder too much. Just ask my family and friends. I know my colleagues at StoryCenter and practitioners around the globe would agree; we’re always on about storytelling, constantly trying to provide the best workshop experience possible.
Lately my obsession has expanded from the practice and process of digital storytelling – why we make them and how they’re facilitated, to the form and function of digital stories – what they are (or can be) and how they work. It’s been refreshing and even imaginative to consider the ‘production’ of a digital story rather than merely what the story is about.
When in Malta: A WeVideo Implementation & Review
It was rocky, far rockier than I thought it'd be. I was wanting beach.
And in the end, I did get beach. I got beach with rocks on it and I spent a whole day skipping rocks into the waves.
And it worked.
Not talking about Malta here, though that fits too. Talking about WeVideo.