Sowing Equity: Food Justice and Climate Change
"Industrialized, globalized agriculture is a recipe for eating oil. Oil is used for the chemical fertilizers that go to pollute the soil and water. Oil is used to displace small farmers with giant tractors and combine harvesters. Oil is used to industrially process food. Oil is used for the plastic in packaging. And finally, more and more oil is used to transport food farther and father away from where it is produced.”
-Vandana Shiva, Soil Not Oil: Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis
Paris Climate protestors, restrained from public demonstrations, leave their shoes to signify their standing up for policy change.
The Climate Summit begins today in Paris, and StoryCenter joins with countless civic, non-governmental, and grassroots organizations around the world in hoping the world’s leaders spend the next two weeks coming to agreement on the serious actions needed to address the issue of climate change and renewable energy development.
While we realize major shifts must take place in the ways we create and use energy as societies, most of us want to do what we can do as individuals to lessen our carbon footprint. As we work to raise funds for our Sowing Equity Indiegogo Campaign, we want to create stories that call attention to community organizations who are at the forefront of helping individuals wean themselves from reliance on industrially produce food products. This work addresses one part of our energy consumption, but it also provides healthy, affordable, culturally appropriate options to all communities.
See an example below in Sarita Daftary-Steel's story, "Seeing Differently."