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Introduction to Digital Storytelling Webinar: Online

Finding a story to share is a journey, often not an easy one. Yet sharing experiences about our lives can be immensely rewarding. This free webinar is the first step of your digital storytelling journey and provides a gateway to further explorations of image, sound, and digital media.

Webinar Details
Level Introductory
Prerequisite None
Length 1 hour
Time 10am Pacific Time/1pm Eastern Time
Location Online
Capacity 100
Tuition Free

This webinar includes

  • An introduction to digital storytelling, both as a workshop process and media arts practice

  • An overview of StoryCenter's original digital storytelling methodology

  • A discussion of how digital storytelling is being used by educators, public health practitioners, and social justice advocates

Who should attend

Anyone interested in taking our digital storytelling workshops or developing a partnership with us - young and old, technically savvy or digital novice. We all have stories to tell.

Upcoming Dates

March 28

Signpost Stories Workshop - Online

April 8

Online Digital Storytelling Workshop